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 The Emotion Code

In this newly revised and expanded edition of The Emotion Code, renowned holistic physician and lecturer Dr. Bradley Nelson skillfully lays bare the inner workings of the subconscious mind. He reveals how emotionally-charged events from your past can still be haunting you in the form of "trapped emotions"―emotional energies that literally inhabit your body. These trapped emotions can fester in your life and body, creating pain, malfunction, and eventual disease. They can also extract a heavy mental and emotional toll on you, impacting how you think, the choices that you make, and the level of success and abundance you are able to achieve. Perhaps most damaging of all, trapped emotional energies can gather around your heart, cutting off your ability to give and receive love.


The Emotion Code is a powerful and simple way to rid yourself of this unseen baggage. Dr. Nelson’s method gives you the tools to identify and release the trapped emotions in your life, eliminating your “emotional baggage,” and opening your heart and body to the positive energies of the world. Filled with real-world examples from many years of clinical practice, The Emotion Code is a distinct and authoritative work that has become a classic on self-healing.

The Art of Self Muscle Testing

This gem of a book explains in a simple and easy manner the process of self muscle testing. Self muscle testing is a technique similar to that of applied kinesiology, a technique that people use to gain insight into their own body and mind's healing process. The aim of this book is to empower the reader so that they can begin conducting accurate and reliable self muscle testing as soon as possible.

Not all humans have the capacity to accurately self muscle test and this book goes into how to set up the ideal conditions so that this valuable tool can be accessed on a regular and consistent basis. The more people that can successfully self muscle test, the better it is for all beings because muscle testing has the potential to rapidly enhance ones ability to “know thy self.”

In this book you will learn about:
- The pre-requisites for self muscle testing
- How to "Switch on" for accurate testing
- How to test without bias
- How to test health products, supplements and foods
- Some more advanced techniques
- and more...

If you have any interest in energy medicine, applied kinesiology, muscle testing, alternative medicine, consciousness studies or yoga then this book is for you!

The Ultimate Healing System

The Ultimate Healing System is a comprehensive guide to biokinesiology-the foundational science of physical therapy-and nutritional therapy. The LePore Technique includes therapy with vitamins, minerals, herbs, amino acids and homeopathic remedies. This easy-to-understand, fully-illustrated guide is a must for anyone interested in alternative healing.

© 2020 by Mary Dussling Energy Healing

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